How Many Environments Should a Data Platform Have?

Managing environments is a core part of any technical project, and data platforms introduce unique challenges that differ slightly from traditional software development. Both developers and data engineers follow a similar lifecycle across development (dev), staging (stage), and production (prod) environments, but there are nuances worth exploring when it comes to data infrastructure, data processing, and analytics layers.

In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and subtle differences between software development and data engineering. 

The Traditional Software Development Lifecycle

In software development, the lifecycle is typically split into three environments:

  • Development: Where the initial code is written, tested, and iterated on. Developers usually work on their local machines or in shared dev environments.
  • Staging: This environment simulates production and is used for final integration testing. Staging is often a close replica of the production environment, allowing for accurate testing of the application’s behavior under production-like conditions.
  • Production: The live environment, where the software is deployed for real users. This is the most critical environment, requiring strict access control and monitoring.

How Does This Compare to Data Engineering?

While the overall cycle (dev → stage → prod) remains the same, data engineering introduces additional complexity due to the nature of data. The process involves not just code, but also data processing and management, which must be handled with care across environments. Below, we explore the three key layers of the data stack:

  1. Infrastructure Layer:some text
    • Similarity: The infrastructure layer for a data platform is quite similar to traditional software development. Infrastructure is defined using IaC tools like Terraform, ensuring consistency across dev, stage, and prod. Data engineers spin up databases, data lakes, and stream processing engines in a way that mirrors software engineers managing server instances or application clusters.
    • Subtle Differences: A key difference is that in a data platform, infrastructure often needs to accommodate vast datasets and support distributed computing systems (like Kafka, Spark, or Flink). Testing infrastructure in the dev environment usually involves running simplified versions of these systems due to resource constraints, while production environments handle larger, more complex data flows.
  2. Data Processing Layer:some text
    • Similarity: Just as software engineers write and test code in dev environments, data engineers develop ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines, batch processes, and real-time processing logic. This code must be tested rigorously before moving into staging or production.
    • Key Difference: Unlike software engineering, testing data processing pipelines often requires access to real data and testing over time. This introduces a challenge: you want to test with realistic data, but for privacy and security reasons, you can’t always copy production data into lower environments. This problem requires complex tooling such as data anonymization or data cleaning.
      For instance, when running a data pipeline in dev or stage, you need to ensure that sensitive information like Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is not exposed. This makes the testing process more cumbersome compared to traditional software development, where no such data sensitivity exists in code testing.
  3. Analytics Layer:some text
    • Similarity: The analytics layer, which includes building dashboards, reports, or running complex queries, follows a similar path to software development—developing new features, testing in staging, and deploying to production.
    • Subtle Differences: The primary difference is that analytics often require access to large datasets to validate performance and accuracy. Unlike software testing, where mock data can suffice, analytics testing might need to be done on a copy of real data. Moreover, the performance of queries or dashboards in dev may differ significantly from production due to differences in data size or complexity.

Intersection of Layers and Environments

Now that we’ve broken down the stack into its layers, let’s look at how these interact with the different environments.

1. Development Environment (Dev):

  • In both software and data engineering, dev is where experimentation happens. However, data platforms require careful consideration of what data to use in dev. Data engineers may use smaller datasets, synthetic data, or anonymized data for testing the correctness of transformations, while infrastructure is built and tested on smaller, less costly instances.

2. Staging Environment (Stage):

  • In software development, staging is used to mimic the production environment as closely as possible. For data platforms, staging must not only mimic production infrastructure but also simulate data flows. Staging is where testing becomes tricky because you need enough data to validate performance and transformation accuracy but must do so without violating privacy or security policies. Many companies rely on data masking or controlled datasets to manage this risk.
  • AWS, for instance, recommends using anonymized datasets in lower environments, while tools like Snowflake offer data masking policies that allow sensitive data fields to be obscured.

3. Production Environment (Prod):

  • In production, the stakes are highest for both developers and data engineers. For data platforms, the critical concern is maintaining data integrity and ensuring that pipelines, dashboards, and processing jobs operate as expected with live data.
  • Unlike software, where a bug might affect only a specific feature, a data platform issue in production can result in incorrect analytics, missed data processing windows, or data loss, affecting multiple business areas simultaneously.

Are the Differences That Big?

The core cycles—dev, stage, prod—are quite similar between software development and data engineering. Both require multiple environments to ensure quality and minimize risk. However, the key difference lies in data management. Data engineering must account for the sheer volume of data, the need for testing on realistic datasets, and the heightened risks associated with handling sensitive information.

At Cloud Data Stack, we’ve observed that while the structure of the environments doesn’t differ significantly, the processes and tooling required to ensure privacy, performance, and data quality add a layer of complexity for data engineers that is often more demanding than for traditional software developers.


While software development and data engineering share similar environment structures (dev, stage, prod), the data management aspect introduces subtle but critical differences. From anonymizing data in staging to ensuring pipeline accuracy with large datasets, data engineers face unique challenges that software developers do not encounter as frequently.

That said, with the right tools—such as Terraform for infrastructure, data anonymization for staging, and strong CI/CD pipelines—the two disciplines can leverage similar practices for effective environment management. The key lies in understanding the specific requirements of each layer in the stack—whether it’s infrastructure, data processing, or analytics—and ensuring that the right safeguards are in place for each environment.

By addressing these nuances, data engineers can build scalable, secure, and efficient platforms that perform across the development lifecycle.